The view from room 33. Annapurna 1 and Machhapuchhre ("Fishtail" in Nepalese) mountains in the Himalayan range At 26,545 feet, Annapurna 1, on the left, is the tenth highest peak in the world.
Pigeons roost each evening at Hotel Vajra. Prime single roosts (evidenced by droppings trajectories) are above and below windows. Communal roosts (first come, first accommodated) are at a premium. Note that each are just outside a wing-beat from their neighbor, except an opening to the right, and an ongoing dispute to the left (blurred wing beating).
"N" is for New Zealand. In a break from the Nepal Expedition, we post "The Presidential Highway", linking the towns of Clinton and Gore,on the South Island of New Zealand. We found this sign while touring the South Island after the International Ribosome 2002 Meeting, hosted by Warren Tate in Queenstown, NZ.
Tom and Bonnie O'Brien worked at the University of Florida (Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, and Electron Microscopy, in the Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research) when they weren't traveling. Both are retired now, but Tom still teaches (more than before "retirement") and continues research on mitochondrial ribosomes.